Thursday, January 29, 2009

Back in Nigeria

Thanks for your prayers for safety in travel back to Abuja, Nigeria...our layover in Lagos was dicey, but we made it through (albeit, with $40 less than before) ! Prompts us pray for the Lord to convict hearts of so much corruption and dishonest gain. Josh and I returned on Sunday afternoon where his fiance and some of our friends met us a the airport. It has been sweet reunions over the past few days! There are many great changes that have taken place, and we are all excited about the changes the Lord wants to do in and through us. Slept through the night finally so maybe I'm on the road to recovery from jet-lag. Jeanette Lange arrives tomorrow morning, and we'll have a full schedule for the next five days as we prepare for a three-day women's conference where she will be teaching five sessions on being a godly woman, mother, and wife. Soooo excited to host her in my lonely flat! I am anticipating much encouragement from her since that's just who she encourager! Thank God for her and for her visit to Africa!!!


Cara Denney said...

Beth! So bummed that all we got to do is say "hi" at the conference, but you are in my prayers! Was surprised to see your blog linked here at the Silva's...I didn't know you knew them! I love the title of your blog...that is one of my all time favorite verses. I don't know what your internet connection is but if you get a chance, check out my blog about sunsets it may encourage you, also! Tell Jeannette, hi! God bless you!

Serena Abdelaziz said...

So glad you made it safely. I will be praying for you, and your requests. You are an amazing woman!! I hope that the next few days brings you all the encouragement you can handle, for a time!!

Amber Lea said...

i love that you have a blog! i have it booked mark and will be checking it often, like i do with all my other abroad friends! glad you made it out there! be safe! and God Bless

Anonymous said...

Found your blog! Yay! SO glad you made it back to Africa safely. Praying for you my friend!